August 5, 2019

5 Best Places to Insert Your Real Estate Testimonials and Gain More Leads

The National Realtors Association came out with a report saying that there is a decline in referrals and repeat purchases. The best way to stop this decline from continuing is to make the most out of your testimonials and reviews. Here are the 5 best places to insert your real estate testimonials and gain more leads and repeat purchases
July 29, 2019

7 Reasons Why Local Businesses Should have Business Cards

Majority of the activities done today particularly in business are done online. But there is one element that is difficult for technology to replace; these are the business cards. The following are the benefits of using business cards in the digital age...
July 22, 2019

Email Marketing is the New Strength of Local Businesses: Here’s why!

Some might think that email marketing only works in larger companies. The truth is that there are numerous email marketing strategies that can be used by local businesses as well. The following are some of them...
July 15, 2019

Hotel Digital Marketing 101: Tips and Tricks to Market your Hotel in 2019

Hotel marketing is necessary for any hotel owner as air is to everyone. It is what fuels the hotel industry. The major obstacle that the hotel industry faces today is the lack of knowledge of technology. Here are some of the steps to take to commence the marketing strategies for your hotel
July 8, 2019

Local Business Marketing 101: Brand Awareness, Lead Generation, and Sales Conversion

A local business is that type of business that operates in a local area. It provides a variety of goods, services, and commodities to a local population. It can be of any industry: plumbing, dentistry, accounting firms, and others. The following are some of the local business marketing services the company is ready to provide
July 1, 2019

Defining Google Analytics: Why Is Important to Know Your Audience?

Google Analytics is a digital tool for any business that is immensely underused. Its major purpose is to measure your individual marketing campaigns in real-time. Here are some of the top reasons why any company needs to use Google Analytics for its success
June 25, 2019

10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a CRM System Right Now

If you like to have a highly improved and stable business, it is important to have strong relationships with your customers. That’s why there are CRM systems available. If you have no CRM for your business yet, it’s high time you decided to purchase one. Here are the 10 strong reasons why you must implement a CRM system to your business as soon as possible.
June 18, 2019

Real Estate Marketing 101: A Comprehensive Guideline for Aspiring Agents

Real estate marketing is highly competitive. This is due to the fact that real estate is such a difficult industry to engage in. These are the proven actions that will get you started on real estate digital marketing.